Friday, April 23, 2010

Trend Alert: Keys!

Hey Stylistas! I am going to try out a new segment in the blog. There are so many great things going on in the fashion world. It is always changing by the minute-fashion never sleeps!

One trend worth exploring are KEYS. Trend Alert! Now, to some this trend alert is not exactly brand new. But, they have been popping up everywhere.

I remember about two years ago my roommate went to Italy for the summer. She came back with key on a long thin chain as a necklace. I immediately thought-genius! I had never seen this before. I loved it, and knew that I had to entertain this look for myself as well. Although her key was a but different than the ones that are on trend right now, the idea and the look is still the same.

My parents were taking an Italian vacation about a month after my roommate got back from hers. I asked them to keep their eyes peeled at local vendors in Italy for these keys that I could put on a chain. Well, they had a heck of a time trying to locate these keys I was looking for. Even the Italian family they stayed with questioned my sanity and asked my mom if I was "Perso" (lost). My poor mom, determined to come back to the states with keys finally went to a local hardware store in Italy and bought old fashioned real keys. Which are exactly the same looking keys that are in fashion now-mine are just a little bit heavier on the hardware.

Then, a few months later, I had the opportunity to travel to Barcelona, Spain. While I was browsing La Rambla street during a vendors market I saw one silver key all by itself with the other jewelry charms. I snatched it up immediately and have been alternating between my Italian and Spanish keys as necklaces ever since.

Trends are funny that way. Something that seems to just appear and catch on over night usually originated from somewhere. Maybe this key trend didn't originate from Venice, Italy a few years ago. But then again, maybe it did. Just remember, you heard it here first!

Here are some of the old fashion keys, as well as the newer looking keys that can currently be found at Tiffany and Co.

What are your thoughts on the key trend? Love it or hate it?

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