Saturday, May 29, 2010

Trend Alert: All shades of Purple!

Hey Stylistas! There is a NEW TREND ALERT- All shades of PURPLE!
You may have noticed different shades of purple popping up in stores whether it is in clothing, shoes, or most recently and my personal favorite: MAKE-UP.

I discovered this great trend myself a few months back by accident. Looking to buy a new eye pencil and bored with the usual browns and blacks, the other color I will usually pick up is green. As much as I love all things green, I wanted a more of a change, without being drastic.

For all of us brown eyed beauties, we sometimes fall into a rut when it comes to make-up that works for our eye color. My eyes can look darker or lighter brown, almost hazel with flecks of green depending on the colors I wear. My sister has enviable green eyes and I am always looking for ways to highlight the green tones in my own eyes.

Another color I picked up was blue. However, blue does not contrast as well with brown eyes as I would have liked. It works, but it is nothing new, and nothing great.

Then, I went to a color that I tend to favor in all areas of my life. PURPLE. As a february baby, I have always loved this color in any shade. And what is so great about it is that there are so many great shades of this color that can work for ANYONE.

I snagged a few plum color pencils and shadows and have not lo
oked back.

I have had friends and strangers ask if I am wearing purple eye liner. It's so genius! From far away this color works like a brown-great for everyday and n
ot too bold. But up close it provides more of a pop than your typical black. It's a pleasant and fun surprise! I have been rimming my eyes with purple liner since. One caution on smudging the liner underneath: tread lightly to avoid looking like under eye circles or worse-bruises. Other than that have fun exploring what shade of purple works for you!!